
Please select the number of members you would like to register and enter member details.

You can read more about membership types.

How many members?
Member 1
You must enter at least one of first name or last name.
Email address required for first member.
18+ only, no Sprogs. Due to the nature of the idiots running this, Funcon1 is an 18+ event.
Price for member #1: £65.00
What would you like on your badge?
Select how you would like to appear on the membership list.
If you pick "essential communications" we will only contact you with vital conventions updates such as hotel or date changes. If you pick "all communications" we may send you occasional extra convention updates that may contain helpful information, but we promise not to mail you too often.
We collect country data and display a list of countries represented. If you do not wish to be included, please select <Prefer not to say> at the top of the list.
Default country is detected from your IP address. If you use a VPN or other location masking service, we'll be unable to detect your country and you'll have to enter manually.
Would you like to help to make FunCon happen?
I would like to see programme items about...
Please contact me about future FunCons
Please confirm...
Total price
Total amount to pay: £65.00
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