Spaces Leopards vs Armadillos

Submitted by emmak on

For those who wish to take part, we are adding a gamification element to our Con!

When you collect your Con badge at Registration, you will find on it a star sticker showing your allocated Team: BLUE for Space Leopards (in homage to FunCon 1) or PURPLE for Armadillos (in homage to World Con 2024).

Points will be awarded, QI-style, throughout the Con - some for having a go and having a laugh, more for impressing us or going above and beyond, and potentially negative points for being too boring, obvious, or making the committee’s lives unnecessarily difficult. Or for SMOFing…. You have been warned!

Most importantly, points can be won for your team by undertaking Taskmaster Style challenges throughout the weekend. A full list of tasks will be provided at Registration.

May the best team win!